time spent on Time Spent

This is by far the most uncomfortable that i have ever been with photography. In a way i feel stronger for having attempted a project of this scale. (literal size) but also something that I really try to avoid.. portraits. If i could have peacefully watched the end of the …

moon camera

check it here reviewed in the Columbia Tribune today. my Hasselblad did not go into space. photo: Ryan Henriksen


I am showing a few prints (13) at a local restaurant with a good friend of mine Stephen Bybee for the first time in a long time i feel proud. Opening reception will be Monday March 5th. (in the evening) Id love to talk your ear off about f stops. …

V750 M PRO

i am pretty excited for this to arrive tomorrow. i think i have enough food to last me until im caught up. i will post a full review for everyone who is interested in 2006.

New Hire

Introducing the newest addition to the staff here at II. a brief history I can assure that “Blade Divac” is excited to get to work. #dorkdork

3600 miles.

Arrived back in columbia. 3600 miles round trip. 30 rolls of chrome resting in the cool AC of the fridge. i really cant wait. sad to leave these places. glad to be home.